1963 A dream is born
Two families guided by a great passion create Café Minerva, the objective: to delight the Ecuadorian consumer, offering roasted and ground coffee of great flavor and high yield.

70′ – 80′ We expanded the distribution of Café Minerva nationwide.
We modernized our production plant and imported specialized machinery to meet market demand.

90′ – 2000 We become stronger as a brand
We positioned the slogan “When it’s time to drink coffee, Minerva is more coffee”, which boosted the expansion of the product warehouse. The second generation also enters.

2003-2008 We renewed our image
We refreshed our image to more vivid colors that make an impact on the Ecuadorian consumer.

2018 – Café Minerva reinvents itself as “Minerva Siempre Contigo”.
With this slogan, we consolidate teamwork, quality and innovation of all our products, and implementation of new automated processes.