Catalan coffee cream

Give the Minerva touch to this preparation!

Acknowledgment Chef: Pablo Analuisa



  • 1 liter of whole milk
  • 4 tablespoons cornstarch
  • ½ cup of Minerva Especial ground coffee, already prepared
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 4 egg yolks


  1. Mix the egg yolks, sugar and cornstarch in a bowl in a double boiler.
  2. Add the milk and the Minerva Especial coffee, already prepared.
  3. Whisk the mixture by hand until it reaches a thick consistency.
  4. Remove the preparation from the water bath and place in earthenware or glass containers.
  5. Place the glass container over a pan of water until it sets.
  6. When the time has elapsed, remove, sprinkle sugar on the surface and serve.

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